
Free Classified Ads

Free Classified Ad Guidelines

Deadline for submitting your Free Classified Ad is Sunday at 8pm.

LIMIT 3 FREE ADS PER ISSUE. Ads run for two issues.

Free Classifieds (non-commercial) must be 25 WORDS OR LESS. We do not count the title of the ad (FOR SALE, WANTED, FOR RENT, etc.) phone number, or the city. Free ads run for 2 weeks. Limit 3 ads per week. You may resubmit your ad(s) every 2 weeks or cancel your ad(s) anytime prior to Sunday 8PM deadline to make next issue. Give your full name, email address, city and phone number (names do not appear in the paper unless in ad copy). Ads with photos are Display Ads. Please contact us for pricing.

Community Event/Notice/Service Ads are free to organizations and churches and must be 25 words or less. These ads will run continually on a space available basis or until the date of the event.

Yard Sale Ads must include days/dates, exact street address and phone number. Address and phone number are not included in 25 word count. Ads for "permanent" Yard Sales are considered Paid Classifieds and will require a fee. You may place your ad under “Paid Classifieds” tab.

Pet/Animals (Lost/Found/Free) Ads are free and must be 25 words or less. Pet/Animal For Sale ads are Paid Classifieds and will require a fee. You may place and pay for your ad under “Paid Classifieds” tab. For ads with photos, please contact us for pricing.

Employment Ads (Position Wanted/Help Wanted) are Paid Classifieds and will require a fee. You may place and pay for your ad under “Paid Classifieds” tab.

Personal Ads - We do not accept personal ads.

You can submit your classified ad by filling out the online form below OR call/text us at 520-586-9652

Deadline for submitting Free Classifieds is Sunday at 8pm. LIMIT 3 FREE ADS PER ISSUE. Ads run for two issues. You can renew after that, or cancel or revise anytime as needed prior to Sunday 8PM deadline by replying to your confirmation email.

The Cochise Trading Post reserves the right to edit/exclude any ad for any reason.

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